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A little about the Event
The 2016, 39th Annual Key Biscayne Lighthouse 10K/5K Run starts and finishes near the base of the historical Cape Florida Lighthouse in Bill Baggs State Park. Both races run through the State Park and the beautiful Village of Key Biscayne. Free state park entrance, water stations and race clocks throughout course. Food, water, adult beverages, music and massages for all runners after the race.
Some more about the Event
There will be no race day registrations for this event.
- 10K Run to start at 7:40am.
- 5K Run and Walk to start at 7:50.
- 5K Run - 8 and under, 9-11, 12-14, 5-year age groups from 15-69, 70 and over.
- 10K Run - 14 and under, 5-year age groups from 15-69, 70 and over.
- Race Packets (containing your race number and t-shirt) for all applications received ON OR BEFORE Friday, November 4th will be available at The Court Sports Gear, 328 Crandon Blvd, Key Biscayne, starting on Monday, November 7th through Friday, November 11th. This includes all on-line registrations as well as any done through The Court Sports Gear.
- Please note the change in the packet pick-up location. The Court Sports Gear has two locations, but the packet pick-up will take place only at the store that is located at the Galleria Plaza.
- All other race packets (including ones not picked up prior) will be available starting at 6:15am on the morning of the race.
Take I-95 South or US1 North to the toll booth entrance ($1.50 fee) of the Rickenbacker Causeway. Drive 7 miles until you can see the light(house) in Bill Baggs State Park.The entrance to Bill Baggs State Park will be open at 6:15am and CLOSED at 7:15am.
Park entrance fee is waived for this event and you are invited to enjoy the park for the remainder of the day.
Parking attendants will be on site to direct you to the available parking spaces.
Awards(Plaques and Gift Certificates) to be presented to the top Male/Female Open/Key Biscayne finishers for both events. These winners will be excluded from their age group for additional awards.The top 3 open and top KB finisher in each age group will also receive a medal.
All finisher's will receive a KBLHR Finisher's Medal.
The 10K is NOT a walk. Runners must complete the race within 1:20 minutes or be disqualified. Walkers may walk the 5K but will not be judged. No special awards will be given for walkers unless they place within their age groups.COURSE MAP
All net profits are donated to various organizations and charities - who in turn have volunteered at the race.2016 recipients will include:
- Dr. Robert Kemper Fund
- Michael Scholz Memorial Fund
- Eileen McCaughan Memorial Scholarship
- MAST Academy ABC
- MAST Academy Jr. Honor Society
- Key Biscayne Presbyterian School
- iPads for Soldiers
- Patrick Rides On/Bike & Build
- KB K-8 Center
- KB Rugby