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Milestones of Jeremiah A Williams
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The post of Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (SMMC) was established in 1957, the first such post in any of the five branches of the United States Armed Forces. The SMMC serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Since that time, each branch of the armed forces has added a senior enlisted advisor position corresponding to each respective service chief.

In 1970, the designated insignia of the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps was authorized, setting this individual apart from their fellow Sergeants Major.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, commonly referred to as Philly, is one of the most historically significant cities in the United States and served as the nation's capital until 1800. Philadelphia is known for its extensive contributions to American history, especially the American Revolution. The city served as the capital of the Pennsylvania Colony during the British colonial era and was the central meeting place for the nation's founding fathers whose plans and actions ultimately inspired the American Revolution and the nation's independence following the Revolutionary War. Philadelphia hosted the First Continental Congress in 1774, preserved the Liberty Bell and hosted the Second Continental Congress during which the founders signed the Declaration of Independence.

Once located in Philly, Tun Tavern was the birthplace of the Marine Corps. It is traditionally regarded as the site where the United States Marine Corps held its first recruitment drive during the American Revolution on November 10, 1775, after the Second Continental Congress commissioned the innkeeper, Samuel Nicholas, to raise two battalions of Marines.

Our first leg of the journey will take us from Philadelphia to New York, N.Y., the birthplace of Thomas J. McHugh, the 3rd Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. McHugh served in the SMMC billet from June 29, 1962, to July 16, 1965.

SgtMaj McHugh was born in New York City on December 23, 1919, to immigrants from Scotland and Ireland. He grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he received his education and enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve on October 3, 1938.

McHugh was called to extended active duty on November 7, 1940. During World War II, he served as an infantry Marine and took part in the Guadalcanal, Cape Gloucester and Peleliu campaigns. He was awarded the Purple Heart for wounds suffered in the Peleliu operation.

Upon the outbreak of the Korean War, McHugh took part in combat operations with the 1st Marine Brigade during the Battle of Pusan Perimeter, Battle of Inchon, Battle of Seoul and Battle of Chosin Reservoir campaigns.

McHugh was promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major on December 31, 1955. At this rank, he would serve at Marine Corps Air Station Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii and Marine Corps Landing Force Development Center, Marine Corps Schools, at Quantico, Virginia before becoming the Sergeant Major at Marine Corps Air Station Quantico. While serving in this capacity, he was selected for the corps top enlisted post and assumed his new duties as Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps on June 29, 1962.

Following his time as the SMMC, McHugh would continue to serve as a Sergeant Major with tours in Okinawa, Japan at Camp Smedley D. Butler, return to Marine Corps Schools Quantico and at Camp Lejeune with Force Troops, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic. In February 1970, he assumed duties as the Sergeant Major at 1st Marine Aircraft Wing until retirement on December 1, 1970.

One major Marine Corps event during McHugh’s tenure as the 3rd Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps was the Cuban Missile Crisis, when elements of the 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions arrived at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to reinforce the local defenders of the U. S. Naval Base on October 21, 1963.

McHugh’s time as the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps included the expansion of the U.S. involvement into the Vietnam War. On March 8, 1965, units of the 9th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB) arrived at Da Nang, Vietnam – the first U.S. ground combat unit to land in Vietnam.

McHugh served in the Marine Corps for 32 years, three of which were as SMMC.

Welcome to New York City, hometown of SgtMaj McHugh! The most populous city in the United States, NYC is a cultural, financial, high-tech, entertainment and media center with a significant influence on commerce. Home to the headquarters of the United Nations, New York is an important center for international diplomacy, and it is sometimes described as the world's most important city and the capital of the world.

Now we travel from NYC to Hartford, Connecticut, the birthplace of Herbert Joseph Sweet who was the 4th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Sweet served in the SMMC billet from July 16, 1965 to August 1, 1969 when he retired from the Marine Corps.

SgtMaj Sweet was born on October 8, 1919 in Hartford, Connecticut and moved to Troy, New York the following year where he grew up and received his schooling. Sweet enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on February 26, 1937.

Sweet served in World War II, seeing combat at the Battle of Bougainville before being wounded in action during the landing on Guam in July 1944. Following hospitalization, Sweet rejoined the 21st Marines for the Battle of Iwo Jima. There, he earned the Bronze Star Medal with valor device for exposing himself to enemy fire in order to rescue his wounded company commander, two other Marines and a corpsman. Sweet was also wounded and evacuated twice.

Sweet requested duty in Korea on the outbreak of hostilities. In 1951, he saw combat as rifle company first sergeant with the 5th Marine Regiment and was wounded in action earning the Navy Commendation Medal with valor device.

Sweet’s tenure as the SMMC was dominated by the Vietnam War, including the end strength expansion of the Marine Corps on August 10, 1965 to meet the growing commitments in the conflict. The increase of 30,000 men brought the Corps’ total strength to 223,100, providing three new battalions and two helicopter training squadrons.

Sweet’s term also saw the Marine Corps commit two divisions, the 1st and 3rd, to combat in a war zone, a first since World War II, when 1st Marine Division joined other U.S. forces in Vietnam on March 31, 1966.

Sweet served in the Marine Corps for 32 years, three of which were dedicated to the SMMC billet.

You have arrived in Hartford, the capital of Connecticut! Founded in 1635, Hartford is among the oldest cities in the United States and is home to the Mark Twain House, where the author wrote his most famous works while raising his family. Visitors to the area can also visit the home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

Our next leg of the trip will take us from Hartford to Tewksbury, Massachusetts, home of Robert Earl Cleary, the 10th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Cleary served in the post from June 28, 1983 until his retirement on June 26, 1987.

SgtMaj Robert Cleary was born on June 2, 1931 in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Soon after the Korean War began, Cleary enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on October 24, 1951.

During his career, Cleary served overseas with 1st Marine Division in Korea, making him the last Sergeant Major the Marine Corps to serve in the Korean War.

SgtMaj Cleary served three tours in Vietnam; the first in 1965 with 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, the second with the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in 1968 and the last as the Sergeant Major of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 165.

After his combat tours in the Vietnam War, Cleary served as the Battalion Sergeant Major of Marine Security Guard Battalion, followed by duty as Personnel Sergeant Major, then as the 3rd Marine Division Sergeant Major and as the Sergeant Major of Marine Corps Development and Education Command. He was then selected as the 10th SMMC on May 25, 1983.

The most significant event that occurred during Cleary’s tour as SMMC was the bombing of the Marine Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. On October 23, 1983, a suicide terrorist driving a truck loaded with explosives blew up the headquarters of 1st Battalion, 8th Marines in Beirut. The attack killed 220 and wounded approximately 70, the highest number of Marine casualties in a single day since World War II. There were also 18 Navy and three Army U.S. servicemen killed in the blast.

Cleary’s tenure also saw the addition of a statue to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C. On November 11, 1985, a bronze statue of three American servicemen that resembles a white, a black and a Hispanic soldier was dedicated, representing the young men who fought in Vietnam.

SgtMaj Cleary served in the Marine Corps for 35 years, with the last four years as the SMMC.

Welcome to Tewksbury, Massachusetts, located about 19 miles north of Boston. One of the oldest sections of town is the area around the Shawsheen River, where the Shawshin tribe settled for access to a food source by fishing in the river.

It’s time to head to Rochester, New York, birthplace of Francis Drury Rauber. He served as the 2nd Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from September 1, 1959 until he retired on June 28, 1962.

SgtMaj Rauber was born on July 10, 1901 in Rochester, N.Y. After serving two years in the National Guard, Rauber enlisted into the Marine Corps on December 9, 1921.

Following recruit training, Rauber completed tours at Port au Prince, Haiti, the Marine Barracks in Norfolk, Virginia and with 4th Regiment at Marine Corps Base, San Deigo, California. He rose to the rank of sergeant before his honorable discharge in February 1926

Rauber reenlisted into the Marine Corps on May 1, 1942 upon the outbreak of World War II.

Rauber would complete tours as a Sergeant Major at the New York Naval Shipyard in Brooklyn, N.Y., with 3d Marine Corps Reserve District, with the 9th Marines, 1st Provisional Marine Brigade, with the Inspector-Instructor Staff of the 19th Infantry Battalion in Rochester, N.Y., with 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, at Marine Corps Air Station, Miami, F.L., the Personnel Department, Headquarters Marine Corps in Washington, D.C. and Fleet Marine Force, Pacific in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. He would assume the role of Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps on September 1, 1959.

A major event during SgtMaj Rauber’s tenure was the assignment of Marines to U.S. Military Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, from 1959 to 1960 to protect Americans and the installation during the Cuban Revolution.

SgtMaj Rauber served in the Marine Corps for 40 years, with the last three serving as the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

Welcome to Rochester, New York! The city was one of the United States' first boomtowns, due to the fertile Genesee River valley which gave rise to numerous flour mills, and as a manufacturing center, which spurred further rapid population growth. Rochester has also been important for the country’s social and political movements, such as abolitionism and women’s rights. Two prominent Rochesterians in the national consciousness are abolitionist Frederick Douglass and suffragist Susan B. Anthony.

Our next journey keeps us in the state of New York as we head to Youngstown, birthplace of Micheal P. Barrett. Barrett was the 17th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, fulfilling the role from June 9, 2011 to February 20, 2015.

SgtMaj Barrett was born in Youngstown, a village in Niagara Falls, N.Y.,

SgtMaj Barrett deployed to the Gulf War with the 1st Marine Division. During operation Desert Storm, he served with Task Force Papa Bear in the three day attack to secure the Kuwait International Airport. Much of the combat took place enroute to the airport and constituted one of the largest tank battles in the history of the United States Marine Corps.

Barrett completed two combat deployments as part of Operation Iraqi freedom as the Sergeant Major of 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines. Later in his career, Barrett would deploy as part of Operation Enduring Freedom as the Sergeant Major of 1 Marine Expeditionary Force.

Barrett’s other tours as a Sergeant Major include Officer’s Candidates School at Quantico Virginia, First Marine Division, and the First Marine Expeditionary Force/Regional Command Southwest in Afghanistan, before assuming the role of SMMC in June 2011.

America’s role in the military operation in Libya, known as Operation Odyssey Dawn, was a significant event during Barrett’s term as Sergeant Major of the Marine Corp. This operation was to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 through bombings of Libyan forces loyal regime in 2011.

Barrett’s time as SMMC also saw hundreds of U.S. troops were deployed to protect American assets in Iraq as well as to advise Iraqi and Kurdish fighters in their fight against Islamic State-aligned forces in 2014. This timeframe also included airstrikes in Syria.

SgtMaj Barrett served in the Marine Corps for almost 34 years, with almost four years as the SMMC.

You have arrived! Welcome to Youngstown, New York, a historic village located at the northwestern corner of the state and Canadian border, where the Niagara River flows into Lake Ontario. The area was first inhabited by French explorer, La Salle, who built a small fort in 1670 less than a mile from where the village currently sits. John Young, who lived across the river on the Canadian side, would build a store on the landing area in 1809 in search of opportunities in the future town that now bears his name. During the war of 1812, British forces burned most of the buildings and homes from Youngstown to what is now Buffalo, N.Y.

It’s time to wave goodbye to New York as we travel to Cleveland, Ohio, where we meet John R. Massaro. The 8th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Massaro fulfilled the role from April 1, 1977 to August 15, 1979.

Born on May 22, 1930 in Cleveland, Ohio, SgtMaj John Massaro enlisted in the Marine Corps on August 6, 1948.

Massaro faced combat during the Korean War when he was stationed with 1st Marine Division. Throughout his career, Massaro would also serve three tours as a Drill Instructor.

Before assuming duties as the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Massaro fulfilled the role with Marine Corps Recruiting Station, San Francisco, California, Marine Air Group 36 in Okinawa, Japan, Inspector General of the Marine Corps at Headquarters Marine Corps and 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, California.

SgtMaj Massaro is often credited with popularizing the Marine Corps battle cry, “Oorah,” a phrase he carried into his drill field tours after it was used during his time with 1st Marine Division Reconnaissance Company. The saying came from men who habitually yelled “Oorah” as they boarded the submarine Perch, imitating the vessel’s klaxon horn sound of “arrugah.”

SgtMaj Massaro served for 31 years, with a little over two years as the 8th SMMC.

Welcome to Cleveland, Ohio! Founded in 1796 by General Moses Cleaveland, a Revolutionary War veteran, the city’s location on the Cuyahoga River and southern shore of Lake Erie allowed for major commercial and industrial growth. Cleveland is home to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Now it’s time to head toward Imperial, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of Henry H. Black, the 7th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

Henry H. Black was born on February 9, 1929 in Imperial, Pennsylvania, and enlisted in the Marine Corps on April 12, 1948.

Black earned the Sliver Star and Bronze Star Medals for heroic action during the Korean War as a private first class with 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment.

Black also saw combat during the Vietnam War, serving two tours; the first in 1966 with 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment and the second as Sergeant Major of 2nd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment in 1969. He would receive a second and third Bronze Star Medal while in Vietnam.

SgtMaj Black’s other Sergeant Major billets included Headquarters Battalion, Marine Corps Development and Education Command in Quantico, Virginia, Marine Corps Recruiting Station, Richmond, Virginia, Marine Barracks in Bremerton, Washington and 1st Marine Aircraft Wing in Iwakuni, Japan.

One significant event during Black’s tenure as the 7th SMMC happened on 22 and 23 July 1976 when approximately 250 Americans and Europeans were evacuated from Lebanon by helicopter due to a conflict between Lebanese factions.

SgtMaj Black would serve for almost 29 years, his last two as the SMMC.

You have arrived at Imperial, PA, a community located in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. Imperial was established as a mining town in 1879 by the Imperial Coal Company.

Our journey continues as we now travel to Sharon, West Virginia, where we will visit the birthplace of Leland D. Crawford, the 9th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. Crawford was in this position from August 15, 1979 to June 30, 1983.

Born on February 16, 1930 in Sharon, W.Va., Leland D. Crawford would attend high school in the area before later graduating in Okinawa, Japan. Crawford enlisted in the Marine Corps on September 26, 1951.

Crawford would serve a tour in the Korean War and three in Vietnam War. While fighting in the latter conflict, he earned a Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” to denote valor for a heroic act or acts while facing enemy hostilities. Crawford would also be awarded a gold star in lieu of a second Bronze Star Medal as well as a Purple Heart for wounds received while at war.

SgtMaj Crawford assumed the duties as the 9th SMMC in August 15, 1979. Prior to that date, Crawford also served as the Sergeant Major with 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment at Camp Pendleton, California, 1st Recruit Training Battalion at Marine Corps Base Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, Marine Air Control Group 18 in Okinawa, Japan, 11th Marine Regiment in California and 1st Marine Division in California.

One noteworthy event that occurred during Crawford’s tenure as SMMC was Operation Eagle Claw on April 26, 1980. Though unsuccessful, this operation was an attempt to rescue American hostages in Iran utilizing six U.S. transport planes and eight helicopters.

SgtMaj Crawford served in the Marine Corps for 31 years, with just under four years as the SMMC.

Welcome to Sharon, West Virginia, a coal town located along the state turnpike. Up until the 1980s, CSX railroad ran a rail spur into the town, serving a coal mine tipple. The small community consists of a few houses and mountain cemetery.

Wave goodbye to West Virginia as our travels continue to Louisville, Kentucky, the home of Troy E. Black, the 19th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from June 26, 2019 to August 10, 2023.

Born in Louisville, Kentucky, Troy E. Black enlisted in the Marine Corps in April of 1988.

While with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, Black deployed to Kuwait in 1990 as part of Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.

In addition to serving in the Gulf War, Black also saw combat with multiple tours with Operation Iraqi Freedom between 2003 and 2006. He also deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom twice from 2009 to 2011, where his actions would earn a Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” for valor.

Black was serving as the Sergeant Major of 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines during Operation Enduring Freedom. Other billets at this rank include Officer Candidates School Quantico, Virginia, Combat Logistics Battalion 5, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Marine Logistics Group at Camp Pendleton, California and with Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Quantico, Virginia, before being selected as the 19th SMMC.

After serving as the top senior enlisted advisor for the Marine Corps, SgtMaj Black assumed the role as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (SEAC) on November 3, 2023. This position is most senior enlisted rank in the U.S. military, serving as the chairman’s direct tie to the enlisted force. Black is the 5th SEAC and the second Marine to hold the billet. The first Marine to serve in the position was SgtMaj Bryan B. Battaglia, who served as the 2nd SEAC, from October 1, 2011 to December 11, 2015. Battaglia was the senior most enlisted Marine to serve in the corps that never assigned the role of SMMC.

One of the most significant events that occurred during SgtMaj Black’s tenure as SMMC was the evacuation from Afghanistan in August of 2021. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operation was in response to the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, with the U.S. sending 6,000 troops to seize control of Hamid Karzai International Airport. The airport was attacked on August 26, killing at least 170 people including 11 Marines, one Army soldier and one Navy corpsman. About 122,000 people were evacuated, over 82,300 by the United States, between August 14 and 25, 2021.

SgtMaj Black has currently served for over 35 years, with a four year span as the 19th SMMC.

Welcome to Louisville, Kentucky, the state’s most populous city. Founded in 1778, Louisville is named after King Louis XVI of France and is one of the oldest cities west of the Appalachian Mountains. The city is home to the Kentucky Derby, Kentucky Fried Chicken and Louisville Slugger baseball bats.

From horse racing to the “Home of the Blues,” onward to Memphis, Tennessee, home of the 16th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Carlton Wayne Kent. He served as the SMMC from April 25, 2007 to June 9, 2011.

Carlton Kent was born in Memphis, Tennessee on November 5, 1957. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in March of 1976.

Some of Kent’s unique billets included Airbourne School at Fort Benning, Georgia and Parachute Riggers School at Fort Lee in Virginia. He also served multiple tours as a drill instructor; the first at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Deigo, California and the second at Naval Aviation Officers Candidate School in Pensacola, Florida.

Before assuming duties as the SMMC, Kent served in the sergeant major billet at 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines, Recruit Training Regiment at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Marine Forces Europe in Stuttgart, Germany and 1 Marine Expeditionary Force at Camp Pendleton, California.

2010 was an event year during Kent’s tenure as SMMC. In September, American troops in Iraq were reduced to 50,000, coinciding with the name change from Operation Iraqi Freedom to Operation New Dawn. Additionally, the Battle for Sangin occurred in October of 2010 and was spearheaded by the Marine Corps. It is considered the bloodiest of all post 9/11 United States Afghanistan military operations.

Kent was serving as the SMMC when U.S. military forces killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan during Operation Neptune Spear on May 2, 2011.

SgtMaj Kent served in the Marine Corps for 35 years, four as the 16th SMMC.

We are dancing our way into Memphis, Tennessee. The musical city was founded in 1819 and served as one of the world’s largest markets for cotton and lumber after the Civil War. Memphis was prominent during the American Civil Rights Movement, notably as the city where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968. Music fans can also visit Graceland, the residence of music icon Elvis Presley, when exploring the area. The city is now a center for transportation, logistics and entertainment.

Our adventures continue as we go from Tennessee to St. Louis, Missouri, birthplace of David W. Sommers. Sommers served as the 11th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from June 26, 1987 to June 28, 1991.

Sommers first deployed to Vietnam with 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines in March of 1965, and was then assigned to the first Combined Action Company formed in Vietnam. He was awarded a Purple Heart and the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat “V” for valor for his actions in the Vietnam War. Sommers would serve a second tour in the conflict with 7th Marine Regiment in 1968.

Before serving as the 11th SMMC, Sommers was a sergeant major with 2nd Recruit Training Battalion at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California, 1st Battalion, 10th Marines, at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, The Basic School, at Quantico, Virginia, 7th Marine Amphibious Brigade, at Twentynine Palms, California, and as the first Director of the Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy, at Quantico, Virginia.

Two significant events that occurred during Sommers’ term as SMMC was the launching of Operation Desert Shield on August 9, 1990 and Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Operation Desert Shield was in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and placed U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf region to help defend Saudi Arabia. From January 17 to February 28, 1991, an aerial bombing campaign led to the liberation of Kuwait known as Operation Desert Storm.

SgtMaj Sommers served for 31 years, the last four as the 11th SMMC.

You have arrived at St. Louis, Missouri, located near the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Named for King Louis IX of France, the city was founded in 1764 and became a part of the United States in the Louisiana Purchase in 1804. Dominating the city’s skyline is the Gateway Arch, a monument symbolizing the westward expansion of the United States.

Now we cross the state border and head from Missouri to Sabetha, Kansas, home to Wilbur Bestwick. Bestwick was the 1st Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from May 23, 1957 until retirement on September 1, 1959.

Wilbur Bestwick was born in Sabetha, Kansas on November 27, 1911 and enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1934.

Prior to World War II, Bestwick served at sea aboard the USS Louisville, as well as in Marine posts in Bremerton, Washington, San Diego, California, and Camp Elliott, California. After his appointment as a Sergeant Major in 1943, he fought in World War II with the 3rd Marine Division at Bougainville and Guam.

Bestwick also fought in the Korean War as the sergeant major of the 1st Marine Division and received the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat “V” for performance of his duties.

Sergeant Major Bestwick’s other postings included Marine Corps Depot of Supplies, San Francisco, California, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina, 1st Air Delivery Company, San Jose, California, and senior enlisted advisor to the Secretary of the General Staff at Headquarters Marine Corps. He would assume the role of the 1st SMMC on May 23, 1957.

Bestwick was the SMMC during the 1958 Lebanon crisis. This event was precipitated by growing political and religious tensions which led the Lebanese President to request the assistance of the U.S. Military to preserve his governments stability. The intervention lasted three months, in which time American and Lebanese forces occupied Beirut International Airport and the Port of Beirut.

SgtMaj Bestwick served for over 24 years, his last two as the 1st SMMC.

Welcome to Sabetha, Kansas, incorporated in 1874. The town is home to two large manufacturing plants, providing twice as many jobs as residents. The workforce is supported by several bedroom communities.

From Kansas to Arkansas, our tour continues as we travel to Black Mountain, the birthplace of Joseph Dailey. Dailey was the 5th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from August 1, 1969 to January 31, 1973.

Joseph Dailey was born in Black Mountain, Arkansas on February 17, 1917. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1941 out of Portland, Oregon.

Dailey faced combat during World War II with 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, in New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, Western Caroline Islands and Okinawa. He was awarded the Sliver Star for heroic actions during the battle of Okinawa.

Dailey was discharged from the Marine Corps at the end of World War II in 1945 but reenlisted three years later in 1948. Dailey would face combat again as part of 1st Marine Division in the Korean War. He was awarded the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V” for valor and the Purple Heart for his actions and wounds received while in Korea.

Dailey’s other Sergeant Major tours included duty with 1st Battalion, 23rd Marine Regiment, in Houston, Texas, 2nd Marines Regiment, 2nd Marines Division, at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and at Headquarters Marine Corps, in Washington, DC, before being selected as the 5th SMMC in August of 1969.

A significant event that occurred during Dailey’s time as SMMC included the entrance of U.S. troops into Cambodia to eradicate Communist sanctuaries. During the same period, North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces continued attacks against U.S. and South Vietnamese forces as American troops withdrawals accelerated and fighting was increasingly turned over to the South Vietnamese.

SgtMaj Dailey served for 31 years with over three years as the SMMC.

We have arrived at Black Mountain, Arkansas, a rural unincorporated community in the state’s hill country. Almost half of the population of the state resides in rural areas, contributing to Arkansas’ role in Agriculture.

Our journey continues within Arkansas as we head to Hot Springs, birthplace of Alford L. McMichael, 14th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. He fulfilled the billet from July 1, 1999 to June 26, 2003.

Born on February 24, 1952 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Alford McMichael enlisted in the Marine Corps on August 27, 1970.

McMichael also served as sergeant major at Officer Candidate School, Quantico, Virginia, the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, in Okinawa, Japan, the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, also in Okinawa, Japan, and with Manpower and Reserve Affairs, in Quantico, Virginia, before assuming his role as the 14th SMMC in 1999. SgtMaj McMichael was the first African American to hold the position of Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

After serving as the 14th SMMC, McMichael served in the newly created post of Senior Noncommissioned Officer for Allied Command Operations. In this role, he served as the senior enlisted advisor to the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Commander, United States European Command until his retirement on July 17, 2006.

The most significant event during McMichael’s time as the SMMC occurred in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 when U.S. Armed Forces entered Afghanistan on October 7, 2011 as the War on Terror began with Operation Enduring Freedom. On March 20, 2003, U.S. forces entered Iraq in an expansion of OEF that was eventually renamed Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF).

SgtMaj McMichael served for over 36 years, four of which was as the SMMC. During those four years, McMichael helped establish the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program.

We have made it to Hot Springs, Arkansas! The city lies in the Ouachita Mountains among natural hot springs. President Andrew Jackson designated the area the first federal reservation in 1832, essentially creating the country’s first national park. Due to its perceived healing properties, the city developed as a resort area focused on health and wellness amenities.

Off to Oklahoma we go! Our next stop is Waurika, birthplace to the 6th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Clinton Puckett. He was in this billet from February 1, 1973 upon retirement on May 31, 1975.

Clinton Puckett was born on March 6, 1926, in Waurika, Oklahoma. He grew up in Roswell, New Mexico, and joined the United States Marine Corps on February 18, 1944 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

As a member of the 5th Marine Division, Puckett went ashore with the first assault waves at the Battle of Iwo Jima. He witnessed the famous flag raising on Mount Suribachi on February 19, 1945. Following combat in World War II, Puckett served until 1946 before being discharged.

Puckett would reenlist in the Marine Corps in July 1947. He would serve in Korea with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, where he would be awarded the Navy Cross in June of 1952. Puckett would return to Korea as an advisor for the Korean Marine Corps until September of 1956.

Before assuming the role of SMMC, Puckett also completed tours as the sergeant major of 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division at Camp Pendleton, California, 3rd Battalion, 23rd Marines, in San Bruno, California, at Camp H. M. Smith, Hawaii and as Personnel Sergeant Major at Headquarters Marine Corps. He would also serve combat tours in Vietnam as the sergeant major of 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines and as the Regimental Sergeant Major of 7th Marines.

Two significant events occurred during Puckett’s term as SMMC in 1975. The first was Operation Frequent Wind, in which Marines evacuated approximately U.S. citizens and South Vietnamese from Saigon on April 29 and 30, as the country fell to communist forces. This event was followed by the Mayaguez incident, in which a Cambodian communist group known as the Khmer Rouge captured the U.S. cargo ship SS Mayaguez. From May 12 to 15, Marines retook the ship and faced a day-long battle on the island of Koh Tang, where it was believed the crew were being held as hostages. The American servicemen lost in this operation are the last names engraved on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

SgtMaj Puckett served in the Marine Corps for 31 years, his last two as the SMMC.

Welcome to Waurika, Oklahoma, founded after the Comanche, Kiowa and Apache Reservation lands on which it stands were opened to non-tribal settlement. The town of Waurika was incorporated in May 1903.

Buckle up! We now head to our first international destination, Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, the birthplace of Carlos A. Ruiz. SgtMaj Ruiz is the current Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps and the 20th to serve in the post. He assumed his duties on August 10, 2023.

Carlos Ruiz was born in Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico before enlisting in the Marine Corps out of Buckeye, Arizona on November 2, 1993.

Ruiz served as both a recruiter and a drill instructor, serving with Recruiting Station Los Angeles, 12th Marine Corps District and at 3rd Recruit Training Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego.

Ruiz served two tours in Operation Enduring Freedom with 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines in the Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

Ruiz’s billets as a sergeant major include 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, at Camp Pendleton, California, the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, in Okinawa, Japan, 1st Combat Engineer Battalion and Combat Logistics Regiment 17, at Camp Pendleton, and 4th Marine Logistics Group, in New Orleans, Louisiana. Sergeant Major Ruiz became the U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) Sergeant Major in February 2021, and would also become the Sergeant Major of Marine Corps Forces South (MARFORSOUTH) after the Commander of Marine Forces Reserve also became the Commander of MARFORSOUTH. Ruiz assumed his current duties as the 20th SMMC in August of 2023.

SgtMaj Ruiz has currently served for over 30 years.

¡Bienvenidos a Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico! Located on the Mexico-U.S. border, the city is adjacent to Douglas, Arizona. Agua Prieta was founded in 1903 and incorporated in 1916. Today, Agua Prieta has several tariff and duty free factories, known as “maquiladoras,” that specialize in the manufacture of consumer products and components such as window blinds and auto seatbelts for the U.S. market.

Adiós Mexico! We are now headed to Houston, Texas, the hometown of Harold G. Overstreet, 12th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. His term was from June 28, 1991 until he retired on June 30, 1995.

Harold Overstreet was born in December 1944 in Houston, Texas. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in June of 1966.

After extensive duty as a drill instructor at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Overstreet spearheaded the creation of a comprehensive demonstration video of all drill movements included in the Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual. This instructional tool is still in use today.

Overstreet’s other tours as a sergeant major included postings at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, Recruit Training Regiment Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, California, 6th Marine Regiment, Camp Lejune, North Carolina, and 12th Marine Regiment, Okinawa, Japan. He was selected as the 12th SMMC in April of 1991.

Overstreet’s tour as SMMC saw the execution of Operation Restore Hope from December 5, 1992 to May 4, 1993. A United Nations sanctioned, United States led force carried out a United Nations Security Council Resolution to create a protected environment for humanitarian in the famine stricken east African country of Somalia.

Another significant event during Sergeant Major Overstreet’s tour as SMMC was Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, a military intervention designed to remove the regime installed by a 1991 coup d'état. From 1994 to 1995, over 20,000 U.S. troops deployed to Haiti to assist in the restoration of the elected President.

SgtMaj Overstreet served for 29 years, his last four as the 12th SMMC.

You have arrived at Houston! The country’s 4th largest city is home to over 2 million people. Incorporated in June of 1837, the city is named after General Sam Houston, who was instrumental in establishing independence from Mexico for the territory that became the state and served as the first president of the short-lived Republic of Texas. Once U.S. statehood was achieved, the city became a regional trading center. Modern Houston is home to the world’s largest concentration of healthcare and medical research institutions, as well as NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

Our journey continues as we head to Jackson, Mississippi. Jackson is the home to Ronald L. Green, who served as the 18th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps from February 20, 2015 to July 26, 2019.

Born in Jackson, Mississippi, Ronald Green enlisted in the Marine Corps on November 27, 1983.

Green deployed to Somalia in 1993 in support of Operation Restore Hope with 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit. In 2006, he supported Operation Iraqi Freedom combat operations as Sergeant Major of Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169.

Before serving as the 18th SMMC, Green was also the sergeant major of Henderson Hall, in Arlington, Virginia, United States Marine Corps Forces Europe and Marine Corps Forces Africa, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, and with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, at Camp Pendleton, California.

SgtMaj Green’s term as SMMC saw a historical moment for women and the military. In March of 2016, all U.S. military branches opened all combat positions to women and started integrating women into combat role as long as they met existing qualification standards.

Operation Inherent Resolve, the international response against ISIS, dominated Sergeant Major Green’s tenure as SMMC. The focus of this U.S. led campaign was to support local allies in the fight against the terrorist organization’s seizure of territory in Syria and Northern Iraq.

Sergeant Major Green served for over 35 years, the last four as the 18th SMMC.

Welcome to Jackson, the capital of Mississippi! Founded in 1821, the city was named for President Andrew Jackson as the result of his local popularity from the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. With deep tradition in blues, gospel, folk and jazz music, Jackson is nicknamed, “The City With Soul.”

It’s time to head to our second international stop, Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago. The island country is the birthplace of John L. Estrada, 15th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. His tenure in the position lasted from June 26, 2003, until his retirement on April 25, 2007.

John Estrada was born on September 27, 1955, in Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago. After immigrating to the United States as a teenager, he enlisted in the Marine Corps on September 19, 1973, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1988.

Following jet aircraft maintenance training at Naval Air Station Memphis, Tennessee, and Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, Estrada served tours with F-4 “Phantom” and F-18 “Hornet” squadrons at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina, Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona, Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, California, and at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

Estrada’s tours as a sergeant major include for 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, at Recruiting Station Sacramento, California and at Marine Recruit Training Regiment at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island in South Carolina. While serving as the sergeant major of 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, Estrada deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He assumed duties as the 15th SMMC in June of 2003.

After being nominated by President Barack Obama, Estrada served as the United States Ambassador to Trindad and Tobago from March 17, 2016 to January 20, 2017.

Two key events in the Iraq War occurred during Sergeant Major Estrada’s term as SMMC. The first was the Second Battle of Fallujah, which took place over a six-week period in late 2004. It marked the highest point of the conflict against the Iraqi insurgency. The second was the Battle of Ramadi, which took place from March to November 2006. This was a fight for control of key locations within the capital city of Al Anbar Province. It’s widely believed that the battle resulted in the Anbar Awakening, in which Sunni sheiks united against the insurgency.

SgtMaj Estrada served in the Marine Corps for 33 years, with a little less than four years as the SMMC.

We have arrived at Laventille, Trinidad and Tobago! The southernmost island country in the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago is made up of two main islands and numerous smaller islands. The city of Laventille is a suburb of Port of Spain, the nation’s capital.

It’s time to travel back to the East Coast of the United States as we head to Cary, North Carolina. Cary is the birthplace of Lewis G. Lee, the 13th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. His term was from June 30, 1995 to June 28, 1999.

Lewis Lee was born in Cary, North Carolina on January 19, 1950. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on March 28, 1968.

In 1969, Lee spent seven months recuperating at U.S. Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, after being wounded twice in combat during the Vietnam War where he was deployed with 1st Battalion, 4th Marines. Lee was the last Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps to have served in the Vietnam War.

Before assuming the position of SMMC, Lee fulfilled billets as the sergeant major of 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, Parris Island, South Carolina, Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan and at Headquarters Marine Corps, Arlington, Virginia.

Operation Allied Force was a significant event carried out during Lee’s tenure as SMMC. This was a NATO led aerial bombing campaign which lasted from March 24 to June 10, 1999, resulting in the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo.

SgtMaj Lee served in the United States Marine Corps for 31 years, his last four years as the 13th SMMC.

Welcome to Cary, North Carolina! Beginning as a railroad village, Cary became an educational center. In fact, the town’s high school became the first state-funded high school in the state in 1907. Cary became prominent in the business and science sector through its proximity to Research Triangle Park, the largest research park in the United States, which currently hosts approximately 300 companies and was founded in 1959. The world’s largest privately held software company, SAS Institute, now calls Cary home.

Lace ‘em up and prepare to stride it out toward our last destination of Marine Barracks Washington D.C., residence of the serving Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.

Marine Barracks Washington is the oldest active post in the Marine Corps and a registered historic landmark. The post gets its nickname of “8th and I” due to its location on the corners of 8th and I Streets in the District of Columbia.

Marine Barracks Washington was founded in 1801 by President Thomas Jefferson and Lieutenant Colonel William Ward Burrows, the second commandant of the Marine Corps. In addition to the residence of the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, the Barracks is also the site of the Home of the Commandants, also a registered historic landmark.

“8th & I” serves both ceremonial and security missions and houses the renowned Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, the Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps, the Marine Corps Band - uniquely known as "The President's Own" due to its historical connection to the President of the United States, the official Marine Corps Color Guard, and the Marine Corps Body Bearers, who serve in six Marine pall bearer details for burial services where military honors are rendered.

Welcome to our nation’s capital! Washington D.C. was named for the first president of the United States, George Washington, while the District of Columbia was derived from explorer Christopher Columbus who was a patriotic reference during the American Revolution.

Washington D.C. was founded in 1791 after the Residence Act was adopted by the U.S. Congress on July 16, 1790, approving the creation of the capital along the Potomac River. The district is not a state or part of any state and is divided into quadrants centered around the United States Capitol Building. Congress held its first session there in 1800.

Washington D.C. is home to all three branches of the United States federal government: Legislative (Congress), Executive (President) and Judicial (Supreme Court). Also located in the city are the government buildings that houses most of the federal branches: the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court Building as well as other departments and agencies. Additionally, there are 177 foreign embassies in Washington D.C. as well as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and many national industry associations and organizations.

Travelers to Washington D.C. can visit many national monuments and museums, such as the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian and more.

Mission Accomplished

David Sommers was born on February 18, 1943 in St. Louis, Missouri and enlisted in the Marine Corps on March 25, 1960.