The Friends In Training (FIT)
Our programs are designed to give you the knowledge and experience required to not only reach a marathon or half marathon finish line, but to also make running or walking a permanent part of your lifestyle. During your training, you will undoubtedly become stronger, both physically and mentally and the benefits will carry over into all aspects of your life. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends!
Program Options
- Participants will have the option to register for virtual or in person options
- Virtual (will allow you to do your training from wherever you are) no cap limit
- In person (small groups) cap limit
Please pre-register online. Packet pick-up will take place on September 25th at Charnow Park.
8-month Membership Program Training will prepare you for:
- Flanigans 10K
- Weston Half Marathon
- Palm Beach Marathon Relay
- 13.1Ft Lauderdale
- Miami Marathon 20th anniversary
- A1A Marathon and Half Marathon
- Picnic Island Ultra Relay
- London Marathon (Limited Spots)
- Flying Pig Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5K and Relay
- Keys100 Relay
New 6 month option from Sept 25, 2021 to March 26, 2022
New members: $180
Returning Members: $150
Attention please note: The 8 month option will train you for our destination races, the super fun Flying Pig and the Keys100 relay! If you select this option, the last 2 months of training (April and May) will take place in Fort Lauderdale.
A basic guideline for our training groups is as follows:
Please select your pace training group (you must be able to run at a comfortable pace and be able to keep a conversation in the group you select)