Star Search Talent Show

Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 04:00 PM - Thursday, June 22, 2023

Star Search Talent Show

Registration for this event is closed
Registration Options
  • Registration Closed
    10 Years Old & Under
    Entry Fees: $4.00
  • Registration Closed
    11 - 17 Years Old
    Entry Fees: $4.00
  • Registration Closed
    18 Years Old +
    Entry Fees: $4.00
Do you want to show off your talents to the community? Then join us on Monday, July 4th. “Star Search Talent Show”! Presented by State Bank of Southern Utah, the show is open to anyone who wants to compete with any sort of family-friendly act: singing, dancing, juggling, magic, playing an instrument, dramatic recitation…whatever you do, we want to see! Auditions will be held for all potential performers on Thursday, June 22, at the St. George Recreation Center, from 4pm -6 p.m. Then the top FIVE finalists in each category will perform on the Main Stage, and have the chance to be crowned a St. George Star! (you must audition to take part in this year’s show) Cash and prizes will be awarded to the top-three winners in each age category (10 & Under, 11-17, and 18+). Judging will be done by a panel of community leaders; keep watching this space to find out who will be in the judges’ chairs! All contestants should register online below, or an entry form may be picked up at St. George Leisure Services, 220 N 200 East, between 9 am. and 5 pm. You must register prior to the auditions on June 23, and a $5 entry fee will be collected that evening. A full list of show finalists will be emailed to all entrants on June 25. Here are the show details: ·Monday 7/4, 10:30 am, Town Square Main Stage · Act cannot exceed 4 minutes · Judging will be done in 3 categories: 10 & Under, 11-17, 18+ · Entry deadline: Wednesday, June 22 @ Noon · Questions and more info -- Marianne Hamilton,, 435.627.4500 Hope to see you there, and that YOU’LL be the next St. George Star!!!
Star Search Talent Show